Care Clift
Vice Chair



Care became Communications Director for the Alaska Libertarian Party in December 2010 after retiring from full-time government service as a teacher!     She was the original administrator of the old ALP Facebook page and planned the 2011 convention.  Since then, she served as Treasurer, Secretary, candidate for Governor (2014), Lt. Governor (2018), and  State Senator (2020), and she campaigned for Gary Johnson , twice, and Jo Jorgensen for president.  She has turned out, contributed, and waved signs for other candidates.  She has been a member of “National” since 2012, and a delegate or alternate delegate to three national conventions. Professionally, Care has worked part-time as a special education teacher, (retiring again in 2013) and continuously as a part-time fitness instructor since December 2014.  Her husband, Rob, has been active in the Alaska Libertarian Party since about 1998, as a candidate, and on the Board, including chair in 2015-2016.   Care is looking forward to being Vice-chair and supporting candidates in this year’s elections! Her personal email is and she wants to hear from all libertarians and nonpartisans in the state!

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