Resolution in Opposition to Ballot Measure 1


WHEREAS, Plank 1.6 Economic Liberty of the AKLP platform provides that:
“[The Alaska Libertarian Party] advocate[s] the curtailing of economic regulations for all people, groups, occupations and businesses. Government should not be creating incentives, subsidies, penalties, or regulations that selectively advantage, disadvantage or coerce some over others. Taxpayers should not be a safety net for private businesses.”;

WHEREAS, Plank 2.2 Labor Markets of the AKLP platform provides that:
“[The Alaska Libertarian Party] support[s the] repeal of all laws which impede the ability of any person to find employment”;

WHEREAS, Plank 2.10 Free Trade and Migration of the AKLP platform provides that:
“[The Alaska Libertarian Party] support[s] the removal of governmental impediments to free trade.”;

WHEREAS, Initiative 23AMLS known as “Ballot Measure 1” would impose by means of government threats of violence a $15/hour minimum wage and compel employers to provide additional benefits, otherwise curtail freedom of association and contract, and impose barriers to entry for workers;

THEREFORE, be it resolved that: the Alaska Libertarian Party opposes Ballot Measure 1.


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