All your Freedoms.

All the Time.

no one can run your life

Better than you

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Live & let live

Libertarians are practical. We know that we can’t make the world perfect. But, it can be better. The Libertarian Party is the only political party that respects your rights as a unique and competent individual. We want a system that allows all people to choose what they want from life — that lets us live, work, play, and dream our own way.

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The Blog

Resolution in Opposition to Ballot Measure 2

Resolution in Opposition to Ballot Measure 2   WHEREAS, Plank 3.2 Representative Government of the AKLP platform provides as follows: “[The Alaska Libertarian Party] support[s] electoral systems that are more representative of the electorate at the federal, state, and local

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Resolution in Opposition to Ballot Measure 1

Resolution in Opposition to Ballot Measure 1   WHEREAS, Plank 1.6 Economic Liberty of the AKLP platform provides that: “[The Alaska Libertarian Party] advocate[s] the curtailing of economic regulations for all people, groups, occupations and businesses. Government should not be

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